Tailored outreach that drives results

Create bespoke emails and messages that reflect your audience's unique interests using contextual insights.
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Choose a tone

Pick a predefined Voice that matches your style or create a new one from scratch.

Add custom data

Create References (text, CSV, PDF, image, audio/video) to support the creation of accurate content.

Create copy

Generate content in chat, backed by your data and reflecting your writing style.

Flexible context for impactful outreach

Streamline, customize, and repurpose context elements to enhance your outreach strategies, ensuring consistent messaging and a compelling voice that resonates with each recipient.
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What makes good context for custom outreach?

Target audience profiles

Create profiles detailing preferences, pain points, and communication styles. This helps the AI generate messages that resonate more deeply.

Personalization elements

Share specific interests or details about recipients, such as achievements or challenges. This enables the AI to craft tailored and sincere outreach.

Brand information

Provide your brand's unique selling points and values. This helps the AI articulate your message clearly during outreach.

Competitor insights

Share competitors' outreach strategies. This context guides the AI in crafting standout messages that highlight your advantages.

Call-to-action examples

Upload successful outreach messages and calls-to-action. The AI analyzes these to generate impactful responses that boost engagement.

Outreach feedback

Include testimonials or responses from past campaigns. This information helps the AI refine messaging using proven strategies.

Add your context

Create custom narrative tones

Create your own writing styles or choose from a diverse library of Voices in Somme.ai. Tailor your content’s tone and delivery to perfectly match the task at hand.
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Personalized context suggestions

Get guided prompts for adding missing context pieces and examples to refine your message and connect with your audience.
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Lots more to come! Give us a boost!

Somme.ai - Create accurate & relevant content with your data and styles | Product Hunt

Try it now with 500 free credits per month

Generate content immediately, no credit card required.
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Wallet-friendly AI content creation

Free forever


  • 500 credits per month
  • Saved Contexts
  • Voice library
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$9 /month
  • 3,000 credits per month
  • Saved Contexts
  • Voice library
  • Custom Voices
  • Multi-format References
  • Extra credit options
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Advanced users

$29 /month
  • 10,000 credits per month
  • Saved Contexts
  • Voice library
  • Custom Voices
  • Multi-format References
  • Discounted extra credits
  • Projects
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Common use cases

Marketing copy

Create ads, website copy and more with tailored styles and context-aware support to captivate your audience.

See in action

Custom outreach

Craft customized emails and messages by leveraging context and specific user preferences for more engaging interactions.

See in action

Social media

Generate engaging posts and responses, and manage your social media presence with AI-driven insights and automation.

See in action

Training materials

Develop comprehensive training guides and educational content with consistent messaging and adaptive learning paths.

Product descriptions

Create compelling and consistent product descriptions for online shops, tailored to highlight key features and attract potential buyers.

Creative writing

Craft unique stories, scripts, and creative pieces with customized voices and contextual references for enhanced originality.

News from the blog

How to Use AI in Marketing: 5 Strategies to Enhance Your Brand’s Reach

Will AI Replace Writers? Understanding the Impact of AI on Writing Jobs

AI Context Matters: Transforming Average Outputs into Content

Common questions & answers

How much content can I generate?

The amount of content you can generate depends on the complexity and size of your Context (mainly your References). Generations with minimal context usually cost 1-2 credits.

Adding more supporting data will increase the credit cost per generation.

For example, using a medium-sized blog article as context will add 1-2 extra credits per generation, making it 2-3 credits in total. With this amount of context, our Essentials plan gives you 1,500+ generations!

What are References and Voices?

References and Voices are integral components that you can use to build Context for content generation.

References are CSVs, PDFs, images, audio/video transcripts or just sources of information that you copy from anywhere and categorize (supplementary or supporting data for your content generation).

Voices refer to distinct writing styles or tones that you can create, manage, and apply to your generated content. You can also used predefined styles from the library.

What's the difference between Somme.ai and ChatGPT?

Somme.ai offers modular and reusable content generation.

Somme.ai integrates your data into content generation for precise and relevant outputs.

Somme.ai's Essentials plan is more affordable than ChatGPT Plus.

Can I use Somme.ai for multiple clients?

Definitely! Use the Projects feature to tag and organize resources for each client, ensuring clear separation and easy management.

Saved Contexts can also be tagged, making it easy to load and use relevant setups for different clients.

Can I save and reuse context?

Saving combinations of References and Voices allows you to resume and get started quickly which is ideal for recurring workflows.

You can save any context and load it later to use it again.

Can I purchase extra credits if I run out?

Yes! If you run out of credits, you can purchase more. On the Essentials and Advanced plans, extra credits are available for one-time purchases, with discounted rates for the latter.

Discover context-driven AI content generation

Sign up now for 500 free credits per month, no credit card required.
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